Tag : http get

Workflow – Useful REST calls – Get foreign currency

I cannot remember the post that pointed me in this direction. While there are many Web Services that return currency cross rates, the site http://currency-api.appspot.com returns a restricted set of rates for free – all you need is to get an access key. The API is documented and easy to work with, but there some restrictions, namely how many rate requests you can make in a month.

To work with this Web Service:

Get you Free API Access key

Visit ‘http://currency-api.appspot.com/’ and click on the button ‘Get Your Free API Access Key’ . This will open up a new screen where you can sign up for free. Follow all instructions to get your key. The key is important


Create the REST call string

In your workflow, create a string with the following value



This string converts from EUR to USD using my key:

(You can perform any desired substitutions in the string makeup with the variables available in your workflow)

Call the Web Service to get the rate

Build the ‘standard’ Header dictionary with the names ‘Accept’ and ‘Content-Type’ set to ‘application/json;odata=verbose’


Call the Web Service with a Call HTTP Web Service action using the string previously defined


Create the various dictionary items needed in the call and remember to set the ‘RequestHeaders’  to your Header dictionary previously defined by using the ‘Properties’ option of the call statement


This should return something similar to the following in the response:

source: “EUR“,
target: “USD“,
message: “”

Check if data returned is OK

I then check if the Response code equals OK before I move to the next step. If it is not OK, I know something went wrong in the call, and I email the administrator


Get the exchange rate

The next steps involve getting the rate from the returned response. This is performed using a Get action as follows (remember to get the case correct):

Get rate from Variable:Response (Output to Variable:ExchangeRate)

Finally, you have the exchange rate of EUR to USD to do with as is your wont. Since the API has a restriction on the number of times it can be accessed, I allow the users to specify how often they would like the rate updated and in most cases, they selected a monthly update. But your user may require more up-to-date information so it could be that you have to buy ‘professional’ access to the API

Workflow – Troubleshooting REST calls

When the REST/HTTP Call to a Web Service is not returning correct results, the reason why may not be immediately obvious. In these cases you may need to interrogate the data returned to discover what went wrong

Check the Response Status Code

Add a Log action after the rest call to display the value of the ‘ResponseStatusCode’ variable ‘ResponseCode’ as shown below


Check the logged Response Status Code

Run your workflow and check your workflow log. If everything is OK, this will normally return a positive indication such as ‘OK’ or ‘Created’. If there is a problem, it will display something similar to the message shown below:


If it returns a message such as ‘NotFound’ (as shown above) or ‘InternalServerError’ you may need to display the error in more detail, by logging the actual error message to the workflow log. This is done using a ‘Get’ action on the ResponseContent Variable (‘Response’) as follows:

Get odata.error/message/value from Variable:Response (Output to Variable:ErrorMessage)


The field ‘ErrorMessage’ is a workflow variable that I created to store the contents of the error message. Alternatively, you can display the entire ‘Response’ but displaying this value if the length is greater than 255 characters would hang your workflow.

Run the workflow again

Publish and run the workflow again and check your workflow log again. In my case it displayed the following


In my case, the message is saying that it could not find the SharePoint resource ‘GetByNameXXX’.

Aha! – It should be ‘GetByName’ not ‘GetByNameXXX’. I change my workflow to specify ‘GetByName’ instead of ‘GetByNameXXX’ and republish it. When it runs without error, I remove the error message from the workflow and the world is in balance

Other issues

If no error is being generated, it could be that the field names or their assignments are incorrect in the ODATA call. Check the following:

The body of the REST/HTTP call is normally in an ODATA format similar to the following:

[%Workflow Context:Current Site URL%]_api/Lists/GetbyTitle(‘Quotes’)/items/?$select=ID&$filter=Form_x0020_Status eq ‘In Approval’ and Active eq 1&$Top=500&$orderby=SpecApprover

Some common mistakes in the REST calls:

  1. Your field names are not in the correct case. If your SharePoint field is ‘Title’, then in the REST call it should be ‘Title’ not ‘title’
  2. Your field names are incorrectly stated in either the select, filter or orderby options. This can sometimes be tricky especially if your SharePoint fields have spaces in them (Not the best practice, but it happens). For example the SharePoint field Form Status must be specified as Form_x0020_Status. To find the real value of the field, open the list and select Library Settings. Scroll down to the field you are interested in and click on it. Then cut the full URL it navigates to and view the last bit after ‘Field=’. This is the internal field name. In my case, Form Status is actually Form%5Fx0020%5FStatus (Note how the system substitutes %5F for underscores and x0020% for spaces)
  3. You have mistakenly used ‘=’ instead of ‘eq’ or vice-versa in your ODATA statement
  4. Your Boolean vales are specified as true or false or yes or no. Boolean values must be specified as 1 for true and 0 for false. To check for records that have the field ‘Active’ equal to Yes, the ODATA statement should contain Active eq 1 and not Active eq Yes
  5. Your Top query option ($top) is not specified and will therefore only return 100 rows. If you expect more, then set ‘$Top’ to the maximum amount you expect (say ‘$Top=500’). At the time of writing, the maximum number of rows returned is 500
  6. Your string filter values are not enclosed in single quotes (for example BU eq AB should be BU eq ‘AB’ or BU eq ‘[%Current Item:BUShortName%]’
  7. Your number values are placed in single quotes (ID eq ‘307’ should be ID eq 307)
  8. When an HTTP Call statement returned more records than expected, I often found that either the names of fields or values was specified incorrectly (Boolean values in ODATA appear to be 1 or 0 instead of true or false for example, or perhaps the field name was misspelled or used spaces instead of the substitution characters)